Recommend Supplies & Equipment — PDF click here
(Grb=Grumbacher, Wnt= Winsor Newton Winton, MG= M Graham and Co) 2fl. Oz or smaller)
(Grb=Grumbacher, Wnt= Winsor Newton Winton, MG= M Graham and Co) 2fl. Oz or smaller)
- Thalo yellow green Grb
- Viridian Green Grb
- Sap Green Grb
- Cadmium yellow pale Wnt
- Cad Yellow Deep Wnt
- Cad Red light Wnt
- Cad red deep hue Wnt
- Alizarin Crimson Grb
- Yellow Ochre Wnt
- Raw Siena Grb
- Burnt Siena or Transparent red iron oxide MG
- Burnt Umber MG
- Raw Umber Wnt
- Ivory Black Wnt
- Titanium White Wnt
- Dioxazine Purple MG
- French Ultra Marine Wnt
- Cobalt Blue Grb
- Cerulean blue Grb
- Various long Handled brushes in synthetic filberts, Flats and Rounds from size 8-2's
- Bristle magic brush cleaner and brush cleaning container
- Gamblin solvent free gel small tube
- Linseed oil
- 3 canvases 9x12 tight weave or Linen pre-gessoed
- Paper towels
- Palette
- Standing easels and artists donkeys provided. Portable fold up easels (Strada, Soltek, Pochade) are welcome.