Hi to all of my art-loving family and friends. This is the very first blog on my brand new web site. I am so excited to finally have a site that I can edit and manipulate by myself, without having to constantly enlist the help of my computer genius, but very busy husband, Craig. I can't thank him enough for his help and patience over the years. Without him, I wouldn't be where I am in my art career. I don't believe there is a more supportive companion. Thanks to all of you, as well, who read this. Your support is beautiful. I marvel at the precious connection I have to you through art. Artist Robert Henri said, "The artist should be intoxicated with the idea of the thing he wants to express." I love painting. I don't think I quite achieved the satisfaction over the years as a writer that I feel as a painter. Perhaps it is the visual nature of it all. Seeing immediate results of effort. Actually "feeling" the effect of paint on canvas or paper. Being surprised by the wonderful lucky accidents that occur when the paint and the surface take control. To me, painting is like dreaming in reality. Oh well. This is fun.