On March 20, I was fortunate enough to have a short interview on KSL Television's Studio 5 with Brooke Walker where I was able to talk about Ree's Painting pARTies. I appreciated the opportunity very much. I believe painting parties are a great way for people to do what most have always wanted to do and that is create a viable, original work of art. I was greatly touched by my husband Craig's enthusiasm for my appearance. He sent the following email out to our family and dozens of friends and associates."For those who do not live in Utah, have access to KSL-TV, cable or DVR's, here is a link for you to see your daughter, mother, sister, aunt, grandma, friend, teacher, etc. on TV. http://bit.ly/reeksl. We can all be proud of her few minutes of TV fame. Well, at least I am!"
Okay. How neat is that? Thank you, Craig, my greatest supporter.
Okay. How neat is that? Thank you, Craig, my greatest supporter.